
Love Between Fairy and Devil (BM Dubbed) もっと第1回

シリーズ詳細 | Love Between Fairy and Devil (BM Dubbed)

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Love Between Fairy and Devil is a period Xianxia directed by Yi Zheng ("Young Blood"), starring Esther Yu ("A Writer's Odyssey"), Dylan Wang ("Phanta City"), with special appearances by Xu Haiqiao ("A Dream of Splendor"), Guo Xiaoting ("Chinese Paladin 3"), and Charles Lin ("Café. Waiting. Love"). This drama is adapted from the novel of the same name by Jiu Lu Fei Xiang, which focuses on the story of the angsty love between the arrogant big devil Dong Fang Qing Cang and the soft and cute little fairy Xiao Lan Hua. The goddess of the Pixin tribe was exterminated by the demon Dongfang Qingcang (played by Dylan Wang), and was reborn as a low-ranking fairy in the heavenly realm ten thousand years later. In order to gain freedom, Dongfang Qingcang has to sacrifice the soul of Xiao Lan Hua to lift the spell seal on his body. In the process, this devil who has broken his love and desperation falls in love with the gentle and lovely Xiao Lan Hua......
エピソードリスト 1-36
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エピソードリスト 1-36
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Love Between Fairy and Devil (BM Dubbed) もっと第1回

シリーズ詳細 | Love Between Fairy and Devil (BM Dubbed)

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Love Between Fairy and Devil is a period Xianxia directed by Yi Zheng ("Young Blood"), starring Esther Yu ("A Writer's Odyssey"), Dylan Wang ("Phanta City"), with special appearances by Xu Haiqiao ("A Dream of Splendor"), Guo Xiaoting ("Chinese Paladin 3"), and Charles Lin ("Café. Waiting. Love"). This drama is adapted from the novel of the same name by Jiu Lu Fei Xiang, which focuses on the story of the angsty love between the arrogant big devil Dong Fang Qing Cang and the soft and cute little fairy Xiao Lan Hua. The goddess of the Pixin tribe was exterminated by the demon Dongfang Qingcang (played by Dylan Wang), and was reborn as a low-ranking fairy in the heavenly realm ten thousand years later. In order to gain freedom, Dongfang Qingcang has to sacrifice the soul of Xiao Lan Hua to lift the spell seal on his body. In the process, this devil who has broken his love and desperation falls in love with the gentle and lovely Xiao Lan Hua......
Eternal Love Rain七時吉祥~七世の約束~月上重火~江湖に燃える愛~如意芳霏~夢紡ぐ恋の道~赤華珠~君に誓う愛~浮図縁~秘めた思い~月歌行~絆がみちびく恋~雲之羽~闇に煌く光~探しにくい烈焔トキメキ雲上学堂スキャンダル~漂亮書生~オオカミ君王とひつじ女王今日もファイトイーヴル・ロード失顔症少女の知られざる恋一生一世~フォーエバー・アンド・エバー~両世歓~ふたつの魂、一途な想い~若様!私がお守りします山河之影~奈落の刃~与卿行~心のこもった友~若様のお名前は絶世令嬢~お嬢様はイケメンがお好き!?~ミスティック・ナインー老九門ーThe Ingenious One (Cantonese ver.)Lost MemoryYes, I Am A Spyマイ・スタンド・イン唐人街探偵2唐人街探案