
Dian Dian Children''s Song: Finger Game more infoEpisode 10

series details | Dian Dian Children''s Song: Finger Game

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Updated to 53
Updated to 53


The finger game (finger ballad) is based on the lives of babies. It is suitable for babies of all ages before school age. Its content is simple and easy to understand, the language is fluent, lively and interesting, and the rhythm is bright, making the baby''s little hands more flexible and the mind more intelligent.
  • 1-50
  • 51-53
  • 1-50
  • 51-53
  • 1-50
  • 51-53
  • 1-50
  • 51-53

Dian Dian Children''s Song: Finger Game more infoEpisode 10

series details | Dian Dian Children''s Song: Finger Game

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(0 ratings)
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Updated to 53
Updated to 53


The finger game (finger ballad) is based on the lives of babies. It is suitable for babies of all ages before school age. Its content is simple and easy to understand, the language is fluent, lively and interesting, and the rhythm is bright, making the baby''s little hands more flexible and the mind more intelligent.