
Camera Oh! Star - Travel Vlog Collection more infoEpisode 14

series details | Camera Oh! Star - Travel Vlog Collection

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(0 ratings)
Updated to 14
Updated to 14


Hangzhou TV''s most popular program hosts and young anchors will go to Nantou and interact with Nantou friends in Chinese culture and art, learn about the beautiful Nantou scenic spots in the mountains of Taiwan''s treasure island, experience the special tea culture, tea ceremony crafts, and learn about traditional tea-making techniques. The trip will also include a visit to the beautiful Sun Moon Lake, enjoy the scenery of the lake and experience the customs and folklore of ethnic minorities.
Episodes 1-14
  • 1-14
Episodes 1-14
  • 1-14

Camera Oh! Star - Travel Vlog Collection more infoEpisode 14

series details | Camera Oh! Star - Travel Vlog Collection

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(0 ratings)
Updated to 14
Updated to 14


Hangzhou TV''s most popular program hosts and young anchors will go to Nantou and interact with Nantou friends in Chinese culture and art, learn about the beautiful Nantou scenic spots in the mountains of Taiwan''s treasure island, experience the special tea culture, tea ceremony crafts, and learn about traditional tea-making techniques. The trip will also include a visit to the beautiful Sun Moon Lake, enjoy the scenery of the lake and experience the customs and folklore of ethnic minorities.