
Ultimate Secretsmás información

Detalles de la película | Ultimate Secrets

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1 horas 22 minutos
1 horas 22 minutos


In the prosperous Yin Dynasty (fictional), a series of sensational ghost fire murders break out at Daye, the capital city. Two fated and gifted young men, Shi Haoxuan, a talented detective from Tianzhao Province, and Xuankun, another from a thousand-year-old temple, are driven to corners because of their pursuit of the murderer. Cases are interconnected. In the mysterious capital city, carefully designed plots and games are set off to go with growing hatred and greed.

Ultimate Secretsmás información

Detalles de la película | Ultimate Secrets

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(0 valoraciones)
Sé el primer usuario en calificar
1 horas 22 minutos
1 horas 22 minutos


In the prosperous Yin Dynasty (fictional), a series of sensational ghost fire murders break out at Daye, the capital city. Two fated and gifted young men, Shi Haoxuan, a talented detective from Tianzhao Province, and Xuankun, another from a thousand-year-old temple, are driven to corners because of their pursuit of the murderer. Cases are interconnected. In the mysterious capital city, carefully designed plots and games are set off to go with growing hatred and greed.
Credo brumosoCanción Ci Serie del Gran Doctor ForenseBatalla al CieloFA Qiu Tianguan: Ruinas de KunlunFIGHTS BREAK SPHERECazadores imperialesTHE GIRL OF DESTINYThe Begger of HeroEl Detective Di Renjie Estrella SolitariaOh! My Prince!燕赤霞生肖神将La Espada Qinglong Yanyueno me toques, emperadorTruco de Mu Ye Danzhu RojoSombra de la tumba del zorroLas extrañas historias de la ciudad de Long YunHistoria paralela de las nueve místicas - Flor de ciruela de huesos de tigreMontaña Shiyuan BushenFuga doradaThe Haunted Cop ShopLínea de defensa - Escolta secretaEsposa del zorro del pueblo de la montañaEl ConjuroLahistoriaparaleladeMysticNine:FlorecenlasfloresenFebreroPergamino antiguo de Loulan: cueva mágica del mar de arena审死官Detection of Di RenjieEl Señor de los MonstruosEl Misterio de JadeCuento de hadas de otoño