
Troublesome Night IIImás información

Detalles de la película | Troublesome Night III

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1 horas 39 minutos
1 horas 39 minutos


This is the third film in the "Troublesome Night" series, consisting of three loosely-connected segments. Shishedo, a mortician, is grief-stricken when his favorite singer is killed in a car accident. As a result, he vows to help her get the most "appropriate" burial. Afterward, Shishedo disappears and leaves his co-workers to deal with the ghostly aftermath. In the next segment, Gigi wants a memorial service for her departed mother. Seizing the opportunity, Shishedo's co-workers coaxed Gigi into purchasing tons of service materials from them. Upset at the greed, the ghost of Gigi's mother returns to haunt the workers. Lastly, Hung was dumped by her boyfriend Daviv because the thought of her working at the mortuary doesn't appeal to him. When Hung does the unthinkable to escape the pain, Daviv finds himself facing retribution.

Troublesome Night IIImás información

Detalles de la película | Troublesome Night III

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(0 valoraciones)
Sé el primer usuario en calificar
1 horas 39 minutos
1 horas 39 minutos


This is the third film in the "Troublesome Night" series, consisting of three loosely-connected segments. Shishedo, a mortician, is grief-stricken when his favorite singer is killed in a car accident. As a result, he vows to help her get the most "appropriate" burial. Afterward, Shishedo disappears and leaves his co-workers to deal with the ghostly aftermath. In the next segment, Gigi wants a memorial service for her departed mother. Seizing the opportunity, Shishedo's co-workers coaxed Gigi into purchasing tons of service materials from them. Upset at the greed, the ghost of Gigi's mother returns to haunt the workers. Lastly, Hung was dumped by her boyfriend Daviv because the thought of her working at the mortuary doesn't appeal to him. When Hung does the unthinkable to escape the pain, Daviv finds himself facing retribution.
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