
San ren xin shi jiemás información

Detalles de la película | San ren xin shi jie

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1 horas 34 minutos
1 horas 34 minutos


After “Heart to Hearts” in 1998, director Stephen Shin made the sequel “Heat into Hearts” with original casting crew George Lam, Carol Cheng and Vivian Chow, and film queen Maggie Cheung and the beloved child star little Jacky (Jacky Cheng) also joined. Stephen Shin’s “Heart into Hearts” was made across regions, even set in Paris. The theme of the film is different from the gangsters and action oriented works in the 1990s. The clothes and manners of the main characters in the film have the style of Hong Kong middle class.

San ren xin shi jiemás información

Detalles de la película | San ren xin shi jie

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(0 valoraciones)
Sé el primer usuario en calificar
1 horas 34 minutos
1 horas 34 minutos


After “Heart to Hearts” in 1998, director Stephen Shin made the sequel “Heat into Hearts” with original casting crew George Lam, Carol Cheng and Vivian Chow, and film queen Maggie Cheung and the beloved child star little Jacky (Jacky Cheng) also joined. Stephen Shin’s “Heart into Hearts” was made across regions, even set in Paris. The theme of the film is different from the gangsters and action oriented works in the 1990s. The clothes and manners of the main characters in the film have the style of Hong Kong middle class.
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