
Detection of Di Renjiemás información

Detalles de la película | Detection of Di Renjie

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1 horas 33 minutos
1 horas 33 minutos


During the reign of Empress Wu Zetian, several bizarre deaths have taken place in Chang'an, the then capital of Tang Dynasty. The cause of death has remained unknown, and rumors that the Flying Apsaras in the Shrine of Remembrance can kill people have begun to spread like wildfire, causing public panic as many believe this is an omen. Di Renjie, who has established himself as a famous detective by cracking several difficult cases, is appointed to investigate the case with Commandant Xie Yaohuan of the Imperial Guards. Eventually, the two reveal the truth and catch the real culprit, resolving a family feud that lasted for more than two decades.

Detection of Di Renjiemás información

Detalles de la película | Detection of Di Renjie

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(0 valoraciones)
Sé el primer usuario en calificar
1 horas 33 minutos
1 horas 33 minutos


During the reign of Empress Wu Zetian, several bizarre deaths have taken place in Chang'an, the then capital of Tang Dynasty. The cause of death has remained unknown, and rumors that the Flying Apsaras in the Shrine of Remembrance can kill people have begun to spread like wildfire, causing public panic as many believe this is an omen. Di Renjie, who has established himself as a famous detective by cracking several difficult cases, is appointed to investigate the case with Commandant Xie Yaohuan of the Imperial Guards. Eventually, the two reveal the truth and catch the real culprit, resolving a family feud that lasted for more than two decades.
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