
Carry On Pickpocketmás información

Detalles de la película | Carry On Pickpocket

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1 horas 40 minutos
1 horas 40 minutos


Theft master Jin stole with his daughter Annie and two apprentices Migang and Yantong in the busy streets and never failed. One day, Migang and Yantong went to the dance hall for women. Migang loved one of them named Yaling at first sight. They were stopped by a fight. Wu Shazhan intended to capture them, but failed. Soon, a criminal gang thought highly of their stealing ability and intended to buy the ID cards they stole. They were then forced to finish the task. Later, Yaling told Migang she was an undercover policewoman and asked him for help. Then they were getting involved in a series dirty tricks…

Carry On Pickpocketmás información

Detalles de la película | Carry On Pickpocket

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(0 valoraciones)
Sé el primer usuario en calificar
1 horas 40 minutos
1 horas 40 minutos


Theft master Jin stole with his daughter Annie and two apprentices Migang and Yantong in the busy streets and never failed. One day, Migang and Yantong went to the dance hall for women. Migang loved one of them named Yaling at first sight. They were stopped by a fight. Wu Shazhan intended to capture them, but failed. Soon, a criminal gang thought highly of their stealing ability and intended to buy the ID cards they stole. They were then forced to finish the task. Later, Yaling told Migang she was an undercover policewoman and asked him for help. Then they were getting involved in a series dirty tricks…
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