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My Wife is 18
Informasi | My Wife is 18
: James YuenDeskripsi
: Yoyo, just eighteen, is always confident of her charm around many suitors. Required by parents, she goes to London to meet Sip-Sam Cheung who has a unborn sworn engagement with her. Yoyo and Cheung get marry in order to please their parents. But they also sign a divorce agreement which will be effective one year after their marriage. Cheung comes to Hong Kong and brings his grandma’s family heirloom to Yoyo. In order to keep Cheung and get a rent, Yoyo advises Cheung to teach in the girls’ school where she learns so as he can collect materials for his master’s thesis. Cheung helps Yoyo get to know boys, and comforts her when she is lovelorn. Finally, they have sex. Getting along for long, they fall in love with each other, but Yoyo’s PE teacher also falls in love with Cheung. Who will Cheung choose exactly?Tampilkan lebih banyak
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