
Scared Stiffmás información

Detalles de la película | Scared Stiff

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1 horas 36 minutos
1 horas 36 minutos


Toy designers Miao and Chen accidentally spotted a bank robbery. Miao learned he has the power to get into the dreams of others, but Chen developed dementia because of the accident. After getting into Chen’s dream, Miao found out it was Officer Chou who caused the injury. At last, Miao took the revenge on Office Chou by killing him with his super power.

Scared Stiffmás información

Detalles de la película | Scared Stiff

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(0 valoraciones)
Sé el primer usuario en calificar
1 horas 36 minutos
1 horas 36 minutos


Toy designers Miao and Chen accidentally spotted a bank robbery. Miao learned he has the power to get into the dreams of others, but Chen developed dementia because of the accident. After getting into Chen’s dream, Miao found out it was Officer Chou who caused the injury. At last, Miao took the revenge on Office Chou by killing him with his super power.
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