
Bangkok Hauntedmás información

Detalles de la película | Bangkok Haunted

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2 horas 5 minutos


There are three horror or ghost stories in this Bangkok Haunted. Each story are not the same type but really creepy. The ghost from the past to the future. The magic oil that get bad things than the advantages. And the ghost who help police to solve the crime.

Bangkok Hauntedmás información

Detalles de la película | Bangkok Haunted

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Sé el primer usuario en calificar
2 horas 5 minutos
2 horas 5 minutos


There are three horror or ghost stories in this Bangkok Haunted. Each story are not the same type but really creepy. The ghost from the past to the future. The magic oil that get bad things than the advantages. And the ghost who help police to solve the crime.
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