
Affectionately YoursXem thêm

Thông tin chương trình | Affectionately Yours

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(0 người đã đánh giá)
1 giờ 33 phút
1 giờ 33 phút

Miêu tả

Alan owns a flower shop, but to his sadness, his girlfriend has decided to leave him. Connie has always had a crush on Alan but cannot find an opportunity to express her feelings. So under the persuasion of her brother, Ruddy, who is also Alan’s friend, she makes Alan drunk, and the two become an item in the mess. During their trip to Japan, Alan runs into Atsuko, and the two fall in love at first sight. For Atsuko, Alan and Atsuko’s father hold a Japanese Kendo duel. Alan loses the duel and leaves dejected, yet Atsuko is moved deeply.
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Affectionately YoursXem thêm

Thông tin chương trình | Affectionately Yours

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(0 người đã đánh giá)
1 giờ 33 phút
1 giờ 33 phút

Miêu tả

Alan owns a flower shop, but to his sadness, his girlfriend has decided to leave him. Connie has always had a crush on Alan but cannot find an opportunity to express her feelings. So under the persuasion of her brother, Ruddy, who is also Alan’s friend, she makes Alan drunk, and the two become an item in the mess. During their trip to Japan, Alan runs into Atsuko, and the two fall in love at first sight. For Atsuko, Alan and Atsuko’s father hold a Japanese Kendo duel. Alan loses the duel and leaves dejected, yet Atsuko is moved deeply.
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