
Secret of Yong Cheng more infoEpisode 1

series details | Secret of Yong Cheng

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1 Episodes
1 Episodes


Yongcheng lives in a post organized family, and his unique character is shaped by the special living environment. Due to various reasons, only a few people can play with him. Although he has a snow plow made by his father, he still can't solve his inner troubles. He is eager to get others' approval and sincere friendship, but several efforts have failed. The return of his stepmother made him see hope and exchange love and tolerance in a unique way. In the end, you get what you want.
Episodes 1-1
  • 1-1
Episodes 1-1
  • 1-1

Secret of Yong Cheng more infoEpisode 1

series details | Secret of Yong Cheng

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(0 ratings)
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1 Episodes
1 Episodes


Yongcheng lives in a post organized family, and his unique character is shaped by the special living environment. Due to various reasons, only a few people can play with him. Although he has a snow plow made by his father, he still can't solve his inner troubles. He is eager to get others' approval and sincere friendship, but several efforts have failed. The return of his stepmother made him see hope and exchange love and tolerance in a unique way. In the end, you get what you want.