
GUNGUN Story Learning Chinese History more infoEpisode 39

series details | GUNGUN Story Learning Chinese History

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Updated to 58
Updated to 58


GUNGUN Story Learning Chinese history restores the five thousand years of Chinese history from the perspective of children. There are many familiar myths in the show, such as Pangu opening the world, Nuwa repairing the sky, Houyi shooting the sun and so on. Under the reinterpretation of GUNGUN and his friends, the original boring historical knowledge has become more interesting. Come and play games with Gungun and learn history!
  • 1-50
  • 51-58
  • 1-50
  • 51-58
  • 51-58
  • 1-50
  • 51-58

GUNGUN Story Learning Chinese History more infoEpisode 39

series details | GUNGUN Story Learning Chinese History

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(0 ratings)
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Updated to 58
Updated to 58


GUNGUN Story Learning Chinese history restores the five thousand years of Chinese history from the perspective of children. There are many familiar myths in the show, such as Pangu opening the world, Nuwa repairing the sky, Houyi shooting the sun and so on. Under the reinterpretation of GUNGUN and his friends, the original boring historical knowledge has become more interesting. Come and play games with Gungun and learn history!