
The Big Bang of Innovation: Ice and Snow World more infoEpisode 13

series details | The Big Bang of Innovation: Ice and Snow World

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Updated to 20
Updated to 20


The creative craftsmanship with the theme of Winter Ice and Snow World is here! The program teach children to use various creative materials to make beautiful and fun handmade works. Make Santa Claus yourself, build a snowy house with cotton and paper boxes, make big white goose and turkey with gloves, creative snowflake wind chimes, exercise your baby''s hands-on ability, cultivate creative thinking, hurry up and play together!
Episodes 1-20
  • 1-20
Episodes 1-20
  • 1-20

The Big Bang of Innovation: Ice and Snow World more infoEpisode 13

series details | The Big Bang of Innovation: Ice and Snow World

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Updated to 20
Updated to 20


The creative craftsmanship with the theme of Winter Ice and Snow World is here! The program teach children to use various creative materials to make beautiful and fun handmade works. Make Santa Claus yourself, build a snowy house with cotton and paper boxes, make big white goose and turkey with gloves, creative snowflake wind chimes, exercise your baby''s hands-on ability, cultivate creative thinking, hurry up and play together!