
Sexual Health Education for Children more infoEpisode 5

series details | Sexual Health Education for Children

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Updated to 26
Updated to 26


In the form of interactive questions and answers in the classroom, the program conveys the sex education knowledge that children aged 0-8 need to know about physiology, character relationships, and social roles to children. The program allows children to understand the body, learn to prevent sexual assault, and do physical hygiene. A real-life deduction was added to the program to guide children to refuse to say "No" and accept "Yes" when facing different situations.
Episodes 1-26
  • 1-26
Episodes 1-26
  • 1-26

Sexual Health Education for Children more infoEpisode 5

series details | Sexual Health Education for Children

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(0 ratings)
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Updated to 26
Updated to 26


In the form of interactive questions and answers in the classroom, the program conveys the sex education knowledge that children aged 0-8 need to know about physiology, character relationships, and social roles to children. The program allows children to understand the body, learn to prevent sexual assault, and do physical hygiene. A real-life deduction was added to the program to guide children to refuse to say "No" and accept "Yes" when facing different situations.